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Cyber Structures
Material Realities – Digital Experiences

Data centres, underground cables, intercontinental submarine cables, antennas and satellites make up this decentralised and interconnected infrastructure, which functions like a network of networks. Paradoxically, its omnipresence in our lives often makes us forget the ecological, political, cultural, and social issues linked to its deployment and use.

In 2024 Elektron explores this paradox through seven exhibition projects and artworks presented as part of an urban itinerary. Linking key locations in the town centre of Esch-sur-Alzette, Cyber Structures: Material Realities – Digital Experiences provides an opportunity to discover and better understand the ecological, political, and social implications of this infrastructure through art.

Presented in both indoor and outdoor spaces, the installations address key issues such as : How does the artistic use of technology allow us to see the impact of human activities on the planet in a new and disruptive way? What forms do surveillance and digital colonialism take around the world? How do the Internet and social networks contribute to the creation of communities and a collective visual memory? 

These questions are addressed in the installations across town. They are explored in greater depth and linked to the specific context of Esch-sur-Alzette and the Greater Region through meetings and workshops with Luxembourgish and international experts. This rich public programme reflects Elektron's ambition to become the reference platform for art, digital technology, science and social issues in the Greater Region.

In collaboration with Esch Capitale Culturelle, Konschthal Esch, Bridderhaus, Cultures of Assembly, Université du Luxembourg, Spektrum, the CLAIRE programme at Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette, Bijouterie Hirsch as well as the co-owner's association of Centre Mercure.


Elektron is a unique artistic platform combining the arts and digital technologies in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg's second largest city. Through exhibitions, public art installations and events, Elektron is a must-see programme for art enthusiasts, digital specialists, and curious minds alike.

Elektron facilitates and enriches the dialogue between art, digital technology, science and social issues. Our goal? To offer keys to understanding while questioning the effects of digital technologies on our daily lives and our environment.

Nestled in the heart of the Terres Rouges (or ‘Minett’ in Luxembourgish), Elektron draws its inspiration from the post-industrial context to create unique artistic and immersive experiences.


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Françoise Poos - Artistic and scientific director
Vincent Crapon - Curator


Elektron is generously supported by Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette and Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.