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Joey Holder


Joey Holder is an artist whose work raises philo­soph­i­cal questions of our universe and things yet unknown, regarding the future of science, medicine, biology and non-human/human-machine inter­ac­tions. Mixing elements of biology, nan­otech­nol­o­gy and natural history against computer programme interfaces, screen­savers and measuring devices, she suggests the imper­ma­nence and inter­change­abil­i­ty of these apparently contrasting and oppo­si­tion­al worlds: everything is a mutant and a hybrid’. Holder has exhibited widely in the UK & inter­na­tion­al­ly including the Harvard Museum of Natural History, Athens Biennale, Design Museum, Biennale of Sydney, Trans­me­di­ale & Venice Biennale. She is the Director of SPUR an online platform which supports digital practice and the Director of Chaos Magic, an arts project space in Nottingham.