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Miguel Ângelo Marques


Miguel Ângelo Marques is a visual artist who explores themes of fiction, memory, and the process of archiving. In 2020, he founded the Escola de Desenho Incon­ven­cional, an art education projects working in col­lab­o­ra­tion with schools and various insti­tu­tions in Portugal and Europe. Since 2021, he col­lab­o­rates with Catarina Braga in Coletivo PALMA, addressing ecological issues. His works was presented at Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Hammer Time, Zaratan Arte Con­tem­porânea, Cosmos CAC Lisbon, O Verdadeiro lado da Manta; Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães, Centre des Arts de Meymac, Salão dos Recusados, Leiria, Centro de Artes das Caldas da Rainha. He was a resident at OSSO Coletivo, Centro Botin Santander and at CAU Cortém.