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We are stepping into the field of transformation. We follow the path through liquefying binarities and encounter the ambiguity of signs within the foggy data clouds. We listen to the waves of fluid codes and start digitalizing the threshold.

Datamorphosis is an exhibition on the blurry, disorienting space between input and output based on artistic research, an exploration of digital black boxes. A stage for prototypes, experiments, and discussions.

Participating artists: Salma Aly, Alex Fallica, Simon Hehl, Martina Pizzigoni, Sofia Talanti, Emma Silvana Tripaldi
Mentor: Univ. Prof. Mag.a Manuela Naveau, PhD

Curators: Vincent Crapon & Françoise Poos

In collaboration with Kunstuniversität Linz, Bridderhaus, and Université du Luxembourg

With the generous support of the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
As part of the Biennale 2024 Architectures - Esch Capitale Culturelle

The series of work included in Datamorphosis will also be shown in September 2024 at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz.


1 Rue Léon Metz
L-4238 Esch-sur-Alzette

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Avec le généreux soutien de

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