Skip directly to content is an artificial intelligence, trained on the textual and visual data of the community mapping platform Queering the Map, that generates speculative queer and trans futures and the environments in which they occur. Their digital mind is constructed from an implementation of the Open AI GPT-2 text generation model trained on over 82 000 text entries from the platform, and a StyleGAN trained on scraped Google Street View imagery of the tagged coordinates on Queering the Map.

The experience of viewing the machinic narratives and environments of LGBTQ2IA+ life that propagates is one of disorientation –time, space, and subjectivity collapse, producing multiplicitous visions of the many futures contained within the data. In collaboration with the voices of their human community, fabulates on the absences of the archive, orienting us away from what is, and towards what could be.

Curators :  Vincent Crapon & Françoise Poos

With the generous support of the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
In the framework of the Biennale 2024 Architectures - Esch Capitale Culturelle

Rue de l'Alzette

91 Rue de l'Alzette
L- Esch-sur-Alzette

Avec le généreux soutien de

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